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What’s this

Vno Hugo is a theme for Hugo. It is a port of onevcat’s Vno Jekyll, which is originally developed from Dale Anthony’s Uno.


Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:

$ git submodule add https://github.com/xslingcn/vno-hugo.git themes/vno-hugo

Copy everything in the exampleSite folder to the root of your hugo site, then run hugo serve. Your site with Vno Hugo enabled should be accessible in http://localhost:1313/.

For more information about Hugo, please visit Hugo’s site.


All configuration could be done in config.yml. Everything in the config file should be self-explanatory.

If you want to enable MathJax support, set math param in the front matter to true.

Background image and avatar

You could replace the background and avatar image in static/images folder to change them.



怎么突破热量缺口 瘦(减)身(肥)男女最苦恼的应该是管不住嘴,迈不开腿。 都知道减肥需要恒心,需要热量缺口,但是缺口从哪里来呢。 要知道,每个人都有静默状态下的基础代谢,可以说这才是热量消耗的大头,我们每天就坐着不懂,也会消耗的那部分热量就叫做基础代谢,根据每个人的状况会有一点点的不同。 但是一般都会有1200 ~ 1500+ 的热量消耗在不知不觉中就消耗掉了(是不是很开心?😄)。理论上只要每天摄入的热量不超过基础代谢,就不会长胖,但是基本不可能,除非你愿意每天都饿的头晕眼花。 那么,只要知道自 ……

健康新陈代谢 继续阅读

Sample Post

You’ll find this post in your posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run hugo serve, which launches a web server and ……

Say HiHugo 继续阅读